Nature Foundation
Nature Foundation Rebrand
Nature Foundation lacked visibility beyond its membership and stakeholders. Also, the logo lacked modernity and even relevance, but changing the brand mark of any member-based organisation doesn’t happen without a lot of introspection and debate.
Run a brand archetyping session with relevant board members and staff to establish the brands persona. Agree on design brief to redesign the logo and create Nature Foundation’s brand guidelines more broadly.
Creative Expression
The Nscape (logo) reflects the fluidity, complexity and beauty of nature. Like nature, it adapts and re-presents itself according to its context. As a logo, and just like nature, it is anything but conventional – nuance is everywhere. Nature Foundation celebrates the diversity and challenge that preserving nature presents.
The logo has been described as beautiful piece of design: elegant, contemporary and entirely sympathetic to the organisation it represents. And despite a reluctance to change anything from certain quarters, the results have been embraced by staff, board members and stakeholders alike.