MTPConnect SA

MTPConnect SA Website

  • Challenge

    The national body of MTP Connect was established by the Australian Government as a non-for-profit organization to champion medical products, services and innovations. By facilitating collaborations between research and industry, MTP Connect helps maximise efficiencies in healthcare.

    The South Australian branch of MTP Connect has been making extraordinary contributions to the MedTech industry. The challenge was that it had limited exposure on the national website, and its presence was hard to find unless you knew where to look.

    Black Sheep was commissioned to create a new website dedicated to the South Australian branch, showcasing the State’s programs, capabilities and achievements.

  • Strategy

    In the modern world, a website is a brand’s hardest worker. In parallel, the medical and healthcare sector needs to portray trust, competence and professionalism at all times. This, however, can often lead to assets that come across as bland and boring. Our strategy was to deliver a new website conveying the enterprise’s resources in a professional manner, but also in a fashion that was enjoyable and captivating for the user.

  • Creative Execution

    The creative execution was a dynamic and modern website that bridged the gap between effective delivery of information and an interactive user experience. We made sure to capture the essence of the underlying brand while highlighting the uniqueness of the South Australian industry - essentially, creating a website that would fit in while standing out.

  • Result

    We’ve had overwhelmingly positive feedback on the project. The new website is functional, aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable to use. This refresh has been so well received that the national body of MTP Connect is now looking at updating both the national and individual state websites in a similar fashion.