Peter Shearer

Layer up with confidence

  • Challenge

    Peter Shearer has been a staple of menswear in Adelaide since 1966. Having been around at a time when Rundle Mall was still a street with road traffic, it has a rich history of serving the city’s gentlemen.

    Like many, recent events such as the Covid pandemic presented a challenge for the retailer, changing the landscape of the industry. When things started to pick up again, Peter Shearer realized they were plateauing; they noticed a shift in the market and knew they could be doing more. They also knew that men had fallen into the trap of dressing far too casually.

    Our task was to reposition the brand to capture a broader market, increase consumer engagement, and reignite men’s desire to dress meaningfully.

  • Strategy

    Clothing changes the way people feel. Although everyone is unique, we all share one thing in common - a desire to feel confident. We endeavoured to push the notion that Peter Shearer isn’t just fitting men with clothes, they’re fitting men with confidence.

    To achieve this, we positioned Peter Shearer as a place men could confide in. Our target market wanted to look and feel great, with as little hassle as possible - many were unsure how to achieve this. We wanted people to turn to Peter Shearer for guidance as a coach, enabling the customer to be the gamechanger.

  • Creative Execution

    To make sure the creative reflected the new brand positioning, we were bold while still maintaining an approachable attitude. We infused charm, trust, assuredness and wit to reposition the brand as a leader in the field. What followed was an integrated campaign across print, digital, video and social that perpetuated a single theme – confidence.

  • Result

    Although it is still early days, the campaign has been receiving positive feedback from the market. The new visuals have given the team a fresh identity, filling them with pride and encouragement - a tailored fit to their talents, expertise and professionalism.