The Black Sheep embodies difference. The Black Sheep is exceptional; that’s why it stands out.

Getting brands to stand out through difference is at our core… but this difference has to be relevant. Distinctiveness and relevance forge a link that establishes your brand as memorable and useful in a world awash with boring, indistinguishable brands.

At Black Sheep, we have been creating brand ideas with difference for more than 17 years. We take pride in working collaboratively to achieve results. We take the time necessary to understand your hopes, aims and aspirations... the result being exceptional work that stands out.

Welcome to Black Sheep Advertising. 

The Roundup

It’s no good being different just for the sake of it, and there’s no point in having a strong point of difference if it’s presented in a boring way. To make purposeful, captivating communication, your brand’s objectives need to be identified and distilled into a compelling central thought or campaign idea.

To get there, Black Sheep has a Strategy Development Program we call ‘The Roundup’. This collaborative process consists of a series of agency-client workshops and three critical components. We work together to sort through the sea of information and arrive at your business’ core point of difference, one that’s relevant to your brand and consumers. 

The Roundup is our starting point.

Meet The Flock

  • Tom Ootes

    Managing Director

    Primary Archetype: Charismatic

    You’ll understand why Tom is the Charismatic archetype right when you meet him. Friendly, motivating, and knowledgeable, our MD approaches each project with excitement. Coming from a client-side background, he brings a consumer lens to every campaign. Tom is committed to stellar results, accountability, building trust, and doing it all with a laugh.

  • Michael Gagliardi

    Creative Director

    Primary Archetype: Creator

    Highly imaginative and a reflection of good taste, you’ll know from first impressions why Michael embodies the Creator archetype. With over 15 years of industry experience, Michael ‘Gags’ Gagliardi has forged an enviable reputation as one of South Australia’s leading creatives. He is a catalyst for change and breathes life into new ideas, approaching everything with purpose and passion. Michael’s ability to connect brands to their audiences has led to an award-winning portfolio spanning across all major sectors, national and abroad. As an innovative leader, Michael encourages his team - and clients - to embrace the power of creativity.

  • David Ormston

    Creative Director

    Primary Archetype: Jester

    With over 25 years of experience, David has played a significant role in shaping South Australia's advertising industry. His impressive portfolio includes clients like RAA, Coopers, Clipsal 500, The Advertiser, Motor Accident Commission and SA Tourism amongst others. David embraces the Jester archetype by turning boring into brilliant, and has picked up numerous national and international awards to prove it.

  • Andrew Millar

    Director of Brand Strategy

    Primary Archetype: Wizard

    Wizards are known for their knowledge and ability to transform, and no one knows how to drive change like Andrew. Black Sheep’s Director of Brand Strategy has led the agency to change behaviour, drive results, and ruffle feathers for nearly two decades. His work has reduced drink driving detections, successfully launched most Renewal SA land developments, and driven the largest voting cohort in SA’s history.

  • Huffy (Hafsa Qureshi)

    Account Director

    Primary Archetype: Enthusiast

    Huffy is an Enthusiast and lover of life; Always dressed in neon colours and sparkles, our upbeat Account Director loves to dance around the office. And yet, jovial Huffy means serious business. With 16 years’ experience in agencies such as Leo Burnett Dubai, McCann Dubai, and KWP! SA, she has a track record of internationally acclaimed awards and a diverse portfolio.

  • Tess Maystone

    Senior Social Media Manager

    Primary Archetype: Guardian

    Guardian archetypes are reliable and organised. Senior Social Media Manager Tess’ attention to detail and structured work ethic combined with her ‘go with the flow’ personality have allowed her to evolve with the social landscape since she founded Black Sheep’s social team in 2012. Since then, she has sold housing developments, launched international fast-food chains, and so much more via social media. 

  • Danilo Watanabe

    Senior Designer

    Primary Archetype: Explorer

     “I can’t” has never come from Danilo’s mouth. It’s this quality––an ever-learning, always-optimistic attitude––that make our Senior Designer an Explorer. The multi award-winning designer is expert in animation, graphic design, video creation, and more, and if you want him to master a new skill… just ask him!

  • Franwyn Botha

    Senior Creative

    Primary Archetype: Healer

    A Healer, Fran approaches each project with care and the intention to transform. For the Senior Creative, design is more than carefully selected colours on a screen; it’s a revolution of thinking, a reimagining of purpose, and a revitalisation of brand. The multi-award winning creative has more than 20 years’ experience in advertising design and a diploma from Sydney’s world-renowned School of Visual Arts. 

  • Aron Daley

    Social Media & Content Coordinator

    Primary Archetype: Explorer

    Every day is an adventure for our Social Media & Content Coordinator Aron. As someone who constantly strives to push his work to the next level, Aron embraces the explorer archetype with vigour. Having previously curated social accounts for several local food and wine hotspots, Aron’s ability to pioneer new thinking with practical application sets him apart from the herd.

  • John McLaren

    Consulting Associate

    Primary Archetype: Rebel

    In a room of ‘yes men,’ John has no problem saying “no.” And considering he has 40 years’ advertising experience, you’d be wise to take his advice. The Rebel has headed various industry boards and looked after accounts such as Jacob’s Creek and Bank SA. When he asked to retire after seven years as our Managing Director, we had no problem saying “no.” John is now a consultant. 

  • Chris Neill

    Social Media and Account Coordinator

    Primary Archetype: Advisor

    Insightful and driven, Social Media and Account Coordinator Chris has entered the industry wide-eyed and eager to contribute. Through formerly working as a tampon salesman and studying business, digital marketing, and even classical clarinet, the Advisor has developed diverse skills and perspectives that enable him to ‘advise’ and support our social and account service teams. 

  • Carly Staszuk


    Primary Archetype: Explorer

    The Explorer is constantly on a tour of self-understanding and betterment, and Carly embodies this archetype with her passion and innovative work. As a Creative, Carly has designed retail catalogues and promotions, sports club beer labels, food truck brands and even helped to launch a crypto app––and she brings her experience-loving and challenge-craving attitude to each project.

  • Nathan Seyd

    Account Coordinator

    Nathan began his journey with the Flock as an intern. Splitting his time and focus across all aspects of our industry, he has slotted in seamlessly with our Accounts team. Nathan’s dedication to the work and our client’s goals make him perfect in an client facing role. With a good eye for strategic thinking, strong understanding of PR, digital and social media and a very real desire to ensure your goals are achieved, with Nathan at your side, your competitors better watch out.

  • Cooper

    Agency Morale Booster

    Primary Archetype: Friend

    Amiable and loyal, Cooper is a Friend to all. Our resident sheep dog mix works as Black Sheep’s Morale Booster, busying his days by offering cuddles to anyone in need of a lift or creative recess. He loves pats, treats, and generally being with others. He can’t wait to become your Friend too!