Lunch Sorted

  • Challenge

    OTR offers a range of lunch options, including a range freshly made, delicious sandwiches, and we were asked to help sell more sandwiches. 

    Their challenge was the public perception of buying a pre-packaged sandwich from a service station, a notion that was at odds to the actual quality of the product.

  • Strategy

    Adjust people's perception of an OTR sandwich by increasing appetite appeal.

    Instead of its perception being a service station sandwich, position it as a delicious sandwich that just happens to be available at OTR.

  • Creative Solution

    Use techniques for high-quality food marketing to highlight the fresh, delicious products. Leverage food porn with an upbeat music track to make people stop and take notice of the product. 

  • Results

    Sandwiches flew off the shelves, and the campaign was brought back later in the year. Product trial increased, and OTR's food offering and general product perception improved.